One of my greatest joys is helping women begin and/or strengthen their relationship with God by showing them who He has revealed Himself to be in the Scriptures. But before you allow me to speak into your life, let me share with you about a few other of my life's joys.
Things that I love

The picture above is a bit dated but you get the idea. I married my college sweetheart and we had a lot of kids. Six of them, plus one that awaits us in Heaven. I never planned to stay at home with my kids, muchless homeschool them, but God used the loss of our infant twin daughter to redirect the path of our family. And I'm forever thankful He did.

My faith was forever changed after my first international teaching trip to Rwanda and DR Congo in 2012. I spent months preparing my lessons for these ladies, but witnessing their faith in God and their love for each other taught me in three weeks time lessons I remember and reflect upon still today. I returned to Rwanda again in 2014 and to North Africa in 2020, and I pray the Lord opens doors for me to travel again in the years to come.

I am a teacher at heart. Growing up I attended public school during the day and "played" school at home until dinnertime. I never understood why my friends didn't enjoy playing school with me, but they didn't, so I taught my stuffed animals instead. In college I opted for a route I thought would make the most money: a degree in Chemical Engineering. I worked for a snack food company for five years as a process engineer before the Lord set me back on a path of teaching. I began my pro-bono teaching career in 2010 with my first homeschool class of two preschoolers and an infant, as well as my first of many ladies' groups. Click on the Events tab for more information.