What's Your Jordan?

After enduring the loss of one of my infant twin daughters, I thought all hope for living a life of abundance was gone. How would I ever live abundantly as a bereaved mother? I never studied the Bible growing up, but I had managed to commit one Bible verse to memory as a teenager. First Corinthians 2:9 reads, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." Some people believe this verse refers to Heaven. To me this verse speaks of an incredible life here and now. Desperately wanting this verse to still hold true for me, I began to study the Bible for the first time in life six months after my daughter passed away. I read about God's people in the Old Testament--the Israelites--and how God prepared a literal place of abundance for them--the Promised Land. I read about the Israelites' journey into their promised place of abundance and how they had to overcome an obstacle--the Jordan River--before they could enter their land. The Israelites touched their toes to that raging river and God simply parted the water. The Israelites were free to cross over a dry river bed and live abundantly . . .

But what about me?

The loss of my daughter was my Jordan River. It was the circumstance that blocked my entrance into abundant living. Some trials and hardships are temporary, easily overcome by time. Other trails and hardships seem permanent, impassable in this life.

What's Your Jordan?

What keeps you from living abundantly?  God didn't part my Jordan River. Instead, as I studied the Bible and learned more about God's sovereignty, God's power and God's goodness, I formed a "bridge of truth"--Scriptures I believe hold firm no matter my circumstances--over which I could cross my Jordan River and enter a life of abundance through my relationship with God. Trust comes through knowledge and experience. I've come to know God through the Scriptures. I've experienced life with God. I'd love to help you come to know Him through His Word. Begin the journey into a life of abundance in Him by completing the contact form below.